Aberdeenshire Council Stonehaven Bay
JBA Consulting DBA

Option Appraisal

Initially, a long list comprised of 21 different options for providing flood risk protection to the frontage within Stonehaven Bay was developed.  The frontage was separated into 3 separate benefit zones, which can be viewed in the map below.  The initial list was screened in order to determine which of the options could be applicable to each benefit zone; the details of this screening are also provided below. This information was presented to stakeholders and the public at an evening event held in Stonehaven on 29 January 2019.  Following the event, comments were received from a number of local residents, Councilors and Stonehaven Flood Action Group.


Benefit Zone Map

Initial Screening


The potential options for each benefit zone were subsequently assessed against a range of criteria in order to reduce the number of options down to a short list for each geographical area.  The criteria assessed and the aims of each are summarised below, along with the assessment for each zone and a summary of the scoring system.



Assessment criteria



Technical performance and adaptability

Provides desired standard of protection throughout the design life of the scheme or is easily adaptable to allow for modifications for climate change through time. Provides protection to full extent of benefit zone.


Safe to construct, local sources of appropriate material for construction, suitable ground conditions and would not conflict with existing services, primarily the sewer main along the front.


Capital cost

Low capital cost.

Maintenance and monitoring

Minimal ongoing maintenance and/or monitoring requirements and costs.


Ecology and environment

No environmental impact on local habitats, geology and ecology, including local designations.


Works with nature to provide natural protection and does not downgrade the existing classifications.


Landscape and Heritage

Works with the existing landscape and is sensitive to listed buildings and heritage designations.


Maintains access to beaches, considers local views and provides connectivity along the frontage.


Strategic alignment

Aligns with local strategies.

Stakeholder views

Supported by stakeholders and the local community.


Waste management and contamination

Minimal waste disposal requirements or contamination risks.

Regulatory consenting and approvals

Regulatory framework would be readily achievable.





Option has significant potential to negatively affect achievement of aims


Option likely to conflict with aims


Option not likely to contribute or conflict with aims


Option likely to contribute to achieving aims


Option has significant potential to meet aims


North Zone

Central Zone

Harbour Zone


The shortlisted options taken forward for each benefit zone are summarised below:


North Benefit Zone

Central Benefit Zone

Harbour Benefit Zone

  • Replace sea wall
  • Replace sea wall
  • New stepped/sloping revetment (inner harbour)
  • Raise existing sea wall
  • Beach recharge and control structures (may include raising of hard defences)
  • Advance the line with new sea wall (inner harbour)
  • Raise sea wall plus rock armour


  • Managed realignment (S harbour only)
  • Beach recharge and control structures (may include raising of hard defences)


  • Extend rock armour revetment (N and S harbour only)


Each of these subsequently underwent a detailed economic appraisal in order to define the preferred option for each section of the frontage.


Option Appraisal - Stonehaven Bay Flood Studies